Friday 31 March 2017

Keeping Hearing Devices on your Little Ones

As a parent to a child using hearing aids or cochlear implant, it is very important to make sure your child uses his/her hearing devices as maximum possible during their waking hours. Allowing them not to wear hearing devices at certain times for example after school or on weekends, gives them the idea that hearing and listening are only needed for school. This is absolutely incorrect because we know that different environments provide different sound and speech inputs to your child. The more sounds and speech inputs they get, the more they can develop their speech and language abilities.

Tasnim Hazizan, Audiologist

Although some children would adjust quite easily to their hearing devices, it could be difficult for some other children. Often parents complained of the struggles they faced to maintain the hearing devices on their child. This could lead to frustration and eventually causes parents to give way to their child not using their hearing devices.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Ujian Saringan Keseimbangan Badan.

Bersempena Hari Kesedaran Masalah Keseimbangan Badan 2017, Eartistic Hearing & Balance Centre akan mengadakan Ujian Saringan Keseimbangan Badan.
Sehubungan dengan itu, orang ramai dijemput hadir bagi mengadakan ujian ini, bagi mengenal pasti sama ada mempunyai masalah keseimbangan badan atau tidak.
Tanda-tanda anda berkemungkinan anda mempunyai masalah keseimbangan badan adalah:
-Pening atau vertigo (sensasi berputar)
-Jatuh atau merasa seolah-olah anda akan jatuh.
-Ringan kepala, pengsan, atau sensasi terapung.
-Penglihatan kabur.
-Kekeliruan atau kekeliruan.
Tempat adalah TERHAD!!
Boleh mendaftar dengan menghubungi kami di:
+603 - 5524 6575 (SHAH ALAM)
+603 - 7733 8575 (TTDI)
atau email kami di
Maklumat program tertera didalam poster.

Wednesday 8 March 2017