Saturday, 29 April 2017


Pada 29 April 2017, Eartistic Sdn Bhd dengan kerjasama Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekak Malaysia, SwissMedicare Sdn Bhd dan Phonak telah mengadakan satu program yang dinamakan sebagai Majlis Sumbangan Amal, "KERANA PENDENGARANMU BEGITU BERHARGA".

Program ini telah dijalankan di SPK Pertuturan Kiu (SPKPK), Kg. Pandan, Kuala Lumpur. Kehadiran khususnya adalah dalam kalangan ibu bapa pelajar yg belajar di SPKPK ini.  

Sebahagian Ibu Bapa yang hadir pada hari program berkenaan

Ucapan perasmian telah di sampaikan oleh YBrs. Tuan Haji Ir. Nazemi Mat,
selaku presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekak Malaysia

Setelah selesai ucapan persamian dari YBrs. Tuan Haji Ir. Nazemi Mat, agenda diteruskan pula dengan gimik perasmian oleh YBs. sendiri bersama2 CEO Eartistic, Dr. Shasa Aziz dan juga wakil SwissMedicare, Kia Ing .


Program Majlis Sumbangan Amal ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan persembahan pelajar - pelajar dari SPKPK. 

Bacaan ayat suci Al-Quran
Bercerita dalam Bahasa Melayu

Bercerita dalam Bahasa Inggeris
Bercerita berdasarkan tulisan Jawi

Persembahan Tarian Tradisional Melayu

Choral Speaking
Selesai sahaja persembahan daripada pelajar-pelajar SPKPK, majlis diteruskan lagi dengan acara penyerahan sumbangan alat bantu pendengaran dan sesi bergambar.

Gimik penyerahan sumbangan alat bantu pendengaran kepada salah seorang pelajar SPKPK.

Penerima sumbangan alat bantu pendengaran (pelajar) bersama keluarga 

Replika cek sumbangan

Penyerahan sijil penghargaan kepada pihak SPKPK, selaku tuan rumah,
dan juga diatas kerjasama bagi menjayakan progam ini

Setelah selesai minum pagi, para penerima-penerima sumbangan beserta ibu-bapa diberi pendedahan betapa pentingnya alat bantu pendengaran dengan menghadiri Bengkel "KENALI & SAYANGI ALAT BANTU PENDENGARAN ANDA".

Bengkel ini telah dikendali & disampaikan oleh Tasnim Hazizan, selaku audiologis dari Eartistic Sdn Bhd. 

Setelah selesai bengkel, para ibu bapa di ajar pula bagaimana untuk menggunakan alat bantu dengar dengan betul. Selain itu, Tasnim dibantu Dr. Shasa, melakukan Fitting kepada pengguna atau pelajar yang mendapat sumbangan alat bantu pendengaran tersebut.

Saringan pendengaran secara percuma juga turut dijalankan oleh jururawat dari Eartistic Sdn Bhd, Nabila Azmi.

Tenaga pengajar SPKPK bersama YBrs. Tuan Haji Ir. Nazemi Mat,
selaku Presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Pekak Malaysia

Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung ataupun tidak. Semoga program seperti ini dapat diteruskan lagi, dengan harapan semua dapat menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik hendaknya. InsyaAllah.

Mohon maaf diatas segala salah dan silap , serta kekurangan dari pihak kami.

Moga berjumpa lagi di program yang akan datang.

Ditulis oleh:

Nabilla Azmi,

Friday, 14 April 2017

How bad it is when someone suffers from hearing loss?

When someone suffers from hearing loss, it does not mean that he cannot hear anything at all. The human auditory system can detect sounds of various pitches or frequencies – more specifically, our hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

Afiqah Amirullah, Audiologist

Hence, hearing loss can occur anywhere within this range. One person may have hearing loss affecting only the high frequencies. Another person may suffer from hearing loss ranging from mid - high frequencies. And it is important to note that the hearing loss can vary from mild, moderate, severe, and profound.

The frequency range of different musical instruments. Taken from

Let’s take a closer look at the different degrees of hearing loss and its impacts.
First, it is important to introduce the audiogram so that it is easier for us to understand. According to the British Society of Audiology, an audiogram is “a graph which plots the quietest level that you can hear at each frequency tested.” An example of an audiogram is shown below:

The horizontal axis represents the pitch or frequency in Hertz (Hz0, ranging from 250 Hz (low frequency) on the far left, to 8,000 Hz (high frequency) on the far right. The vertical axis, on the other hand, represents the hearing threshold in decibels (dB). Sounds further up the axis are very soft (softest at -10 dB on the audiogram), and sounds further down the axis are louder (loudest being 120 dB on the audiogram).
So what is considered as “normal hearing”? At which level on the audiogram is a hearing loss diagnosed? The audiogram below depicts the different degrees of hearing loss:

 A person with normal hearing should have hearing thresholds within the range of -10dB HL to 20 dB HL.

 A mild hearing loss is diagnosed when a person has hearing thresholds ranging from 25 dB HL to 40 dB HL.

As for moderate hearing loss, the range is from 45 dB HL to 65 dB HL. 

Severe hearing loss is diagnosed when the hearing thresholds fall between 70 dB HL to 85 dB HL.

And lastly, profound hearing loss is diagnosed as hearing thresholds that fall between 90 dB HL to 120 dB HL.

But what does this mean? What are the effects of these different degrees of hearing loss on a person’s daily life? The following image shows the examples of sounds found in our environments and where it falls on the audiogram:
Audiogram of familiar sounds

We can see from the audiogram of familiar sounds show that different sounds fall at different frequencies and at different loudness levels. It is important to note down that different speech sounds also fall at different points on the audiogram. Hence, hearing loss affecting different frequencies will affect the perception of different speech sounds as well as environmental sounds. Let’s see some examples below.

Audiogram depicting mild hearing loss at mid to high frequencies on the right ear

Mild hearing loss can make it difficult for the person suffering from it to listen to really soft sounds like whispers, leaves rustling, or birds tweeting. As depicted in the audiogram above, this person may have difficulties hearing speech sounds at the higher frequencies, such as “k,” “f,” “s,” and “th” sounds, especially if these sounds are spoken really softly or from afar, or if there is competing background noises. However, in quiet places, those with mild hearing loss would still be able to listen to and understand speech spoken at normal conversational levels, which typically fall between 40 – 60 dB HL.

Audiogram depicting moderate hearing loss on the left ear
This second audiogram shows a person with moderate hearing loss. It can be seen that this person will have trouble listening to conversations, even more so when there is background noise. A person with moderate hearing loss may require frequent repetitions and may have problems listening in group situations.
Audiogram depicting severe hearing loss on the left ear, and profound hearing loss on the right ear

Lastly, we have an audiogram showing severe hearing loss on the left ear, and profound hearing loss on the right ear.

Those with severe hearing loss will definitely have problems hearing speech sounds, whether in quiet or noisy environments, as all speech sounds are softer than where the hearing threshold is. However, they may still be able to hear loud environmental sounds such as vehicles passing on a highway, the sound of gunshots, and the sound of an aeroplane taking off or landing.

On the other hand, those with profound hearing loss may not be able to hear these loud background sounds. Often, this can be a cause of concern, as loud warning sounds like the fire alarm or the ambulance is important in determining one’s safety.


Written by:
Afiqah Amirullah;

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Budi Outreach Mission to Cambodia (BUMICA) 2017

BUMICA or known as Budi Outreach Mission to Cambodia is one of the humanitarian mission organised by IIUM Kuantan Campus from the 20th March until 26th March 2017. This is our 1st social mission outside of Malaysia

This community engagement project is a collaboration between several popular healthcare institutions in Malaysia and Eartistic is one of the privileged once. There were 77 students and staff volunteers involved in this mission. 

Eartistic Hearing and Balance Centre were involved by loaning our audio logical equipment and donated a collective of RM 64 000 worth of Hearing Aids to this mission. On behalf of the company, Fatihah Othman our Nurse from Eartistic TTDI represented us to complete the mission by providing ear toilet and hearing screening to the children.

On the first day, we arrived at Kampung Ou Ta Nes to set up the place for hearing screening. But the mission properly began, the second day. The drill were history taking, otoscopic examination, middle ear test, pure tone audiometry assessment and ear toilet procedures were carried out throughout the programme. Hearing aid fitting was done to those with hearing loss and we were delighted to see many happy tears from our give aways, MashaALLAH.

On the third day, we continued our mission to Kampung Chnnang.

Nurse Fatihah in action, handling one of village children of Kampung Ou Ta Nes’s for earwax removal in preparation for the hearing assessment.

Introducing the hearing team (Audiology students, lecturer from IIUM and our nurse) with the elderly couple that received the hearing aid donations. 

One of IIUM audiology students conducting hearing screening on Dr Sos Mousine, Secretary of State Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs.

Alhamdulillah, we finished our mission with satisfaction and amazing results with almost 100 people in two villages participated in the hearing screening. At least 5 people ( 9 units of hearing aids) received  from our donation of hearing aids. 

With that, we would like to thank IIUM for this opportunity and we hope that we can participate in more humanitarian events in future. May this be just the beginning of many beautiful missions to help the people who are in need of hearing and communication attention across the world.

Written by,

Fatihah Othman