Tuesday 5 December 2017

How to take a good care of your hearing aids?

Why we should care for our hearing aids? This is very crucial in order to maintain optimum hearing quality and increase the life of hearing aids. Here are some information on how to maintain your hearing aids in optimum conditions:
Generally, a piece of battery can last about 1 to 2 weeks depend on the usage and power of hearing aids. Check battery level regularly using battery tester so hearing aids able to function well. Throw away empty batteries and keep spare batteries in hearing aids case.
Cleaning and removing earwax
Clean your hearing aids regularly using soft cloth or tissue. If you observe any wax blockage on your ear mould, detach it from hearing aids, then remove it with cleaning tool and air blower. For receiver in the ear (RITE) wearers, you can change a new wax filter once it is being blocked with wax.
Keep hearing aids dry
Before going to sleep is the best time to dry the moisture of hearing aids. Remove batteries from your hearing aids. Let the battery door open, then put hearing aids and ear moulds in the drying beaker that filled with silica gel to dry the moisture overnight. Electrical dehumidifier can be another option if there is excessive moisture.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Ensure to remove your hearing aids before taking shower and protect hearing aids from being wet by rain as well.
Right & left hearing aids
Ensure that your hearing aids have red and blue markers in order to differentiate between right and left ears. If you are fitted both sides, each side has its own adjustment and setting according to hearing level for each ear. Hence, wrong placement of hearing aids between right and left ears may lead to hearing damage as well as discomfort feeling for wearers. 
Regular general service
It is highly recommended to send your hearing aids twice or three times in a year for general service, which can help your hearing aids to be functioned in optimum level for a longer time.

Written by,

Nurul Atieqa
Eartistic Audiologist at Sungai Petani



  1. Interesting and informative points which you have shared for the good caring and fine tune our hearing aids. Thanks a lot for these useful info. Hearing aid centre | speech therapy

  2. Thank you sharing How to take a good care of hearing aids. My father always uses Sound Amplifier Hearing Aid as he can’t here properly. I will follow your steps.
