Thursday 4 January 2018

Unnoticed Hearing Loss in Children

Children learn many thing s via interaction with their environment. They use their senses to gain input from the environment mostly while  playing. One of the senses, which are crucial for a child’s development is hearing.

Nowadays , it is common procedure for hospital and hearing care centre to do Newborn Hearing Screening, thus, giving an early idea of a newborn  hearing status .

Parents  and caretakers are advised to  to monitor a child development according to the guidelines available,such as  Paediatric  Protocols  for Malaysian Hospitals, 3rd Edition. Below are the excerpts of the guideline ;-



Despite undivided attention to the needs and care of children, there  might be some  situations where hearing loss in children might go unnoticed  by the parents:
1.     Unilateral hearing loss:
Only one ear is having hearing problem and the other ear is normal hearing. A child will have   have  normal speech and language skills  however there might trouble  with sound localization. 

2.     Mild hearing loss :
Mild hearing loss is in between 25 to 40 dBHL either in one or both ears. The hearing might be adequate for communication but there are  difficulties with soft sounds or  understanding speech when in noisy environment .

3.     Progressive or gradual hearing loss :
 Although a child passed hearing screening during infancy (Newborn Hearing Screening) , there are cases of hearing loss that starts and gets progressively worse after infantile stage.

4.     Partial  hearing  loss: 
Usually  this concerns high frequency loss where speech clarity is diminished while the loudness of speech is still  normal. “ I can hear people talking, i just cant understand them .”

Seek a hearing professional if you are suspicious about a childs hearing status. Parents’  instinct and suspicion should NEVER be taken lightly as a reason for an assessment as they are more aware of their child ‘s progress and development. Hearing impairment will  lead to issues in a child’s social development and may lead to further psychosocial problems  as they grow up.

Early assesment leads to early intervention and early intervention may lead to  better outcome.

Written by,
Faiz Salleh
Eartistic Hearing and Balance Centre, Audiologist at Kota Bharu

Lang-Roth R (2014) ,  Hearing impairment and language delay in infants: Diagnostics and genetics , GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg.

J H hedges et al  (2013) , Play, attention, and learning: How do play and timing shape the development of attention and influence classroom learning?   Ann N Y Acad Sci.
S C P M theunissen et al (2015), Symptoms of Psychopathology in Hearing-Impaired Children , Ear Hear.
A M Korver et al ( 2010) , Newborn hearing screening vs later hearing screening and developmental outcomes in children with permanent childhood hearing impairment., JAMA.

Paediatric Protocols for Malaysian Hospitals , 3rd Edition.


  1. Very much informative post sharing details for the unnoticed and finding the hearing loss of the children. Thanks a lot for these informative share. Hearing aid centre | speech therapy

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